S. K. Jayaweera, "Signal Processing for Cognitive Radios", John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA. ISBN: 978-1-118-82493-1, 2014.
M. Bkassiny, A. L. De Sousa and S. K. Jayaweera, "Wideband Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios in Weakly Correlated Non-Gaussian Noise",
IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 1137-1140, July 2015.
M. Bkassiny and S. K. Jayaweera, "Robust, Non-Gaussian Wideband Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radios",
IEEE Transactions in Wireless Communications, vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 6410 - 6421, Nov. 2014.
Y. Li, S. K. Jayaweera, M. Bkassiny and C. Ghosh, "Learning-aided Sub-band Selection Algorithms for Spectrum Sensing in Wide-band Cognitive Radios",
IEEE Transactions in Wireless Communications, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 2012 - 2024, April. 2014.[link]
M. Bkassiny, S. K. Jayaweera and Y. Li, "Multidimensional Dirichlet Process-based Non-Parametric Signal Classification for Autonomous Self-Learning Cognitive Radios", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.,
vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 5413-5423, Nov. 2013.
Y. Li and S. K. Jayaweera, "Dynamic Spectrum Tracking using Energy and Cyclostationarity-based Multi-variate Non-parametric Quickest Detection For Cognitive Radios", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.,
vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 3522-3532, July 2013. [pdf]
M. Bkassiny, Y. Li and S. K. Jayaweera, "A survey on machine-learning techniques in cognitive radios", IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,
vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 1136-1159. Third Quarter 2013
M. Bkassiny, Y. Li, G. El-Howayek, S. K. Jayaweera, and C. G.
Christodoulou, “Recent Patents on Spectrum Sensing Methods and RF
Architectures for Cognitive Radios”, Journal of Recent Patents on
Computer Science, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Cognitive
Radio Communications, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., vol.5,
no.2, pp.83-92, Aug. 2012.
M. Bkassiny, S. K. Jayaweera, Y. Li, and K. A. Avery, “Wideband
spectrum sensing and non-parametric signal classification for
autonomous self- learning cognitive radios”, IEEE Trans. Wireless
Commun., vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 2596-2605, July 2012.
Y. Li, S. K. Jayaweera, M. Bkassiny, and K. A. Avery,
“Optimal myopic sensing and dynamic spectrum access in cognitive
radio networks with low-complexity implementations”, IEEE
Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 11, no. 7, pp.
2412-2423, July 2012.
S. K. Jayaweera, M. Bkassiny and K. A. Avery, "Asymmetric
Cooperative Communications Based Spectrum Leasing via Auctions
in Cognitive Radio Networks" IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.,
vol.10, no.8, pp.2716-2724, Aug. 2011.
Y. Tawk, M. Bkassiny, G. El-Howayek,, S. K. Jayaweera, and C. G. Christodoulou,
"Reconfigurable front-end antennas for cognitive radio applications",
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol.5, no.8, pp.985-992, June 2011
G. El-Howayek and S. K. Jayaweera, "Distributed Dynamic Spectrum Leasing (D-DSL)
for Spectrum Sharing over Multiple Primary Channels", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.,
vol.10, no.1, pp.55-60, January 2011.
G. Vazquez-Vilar, C. Mosquera, and S. K. Jayaweera, "Primary user enters the game:
Performance of dynamic spectrum leasing in cognitive radio networks", IEEE Trans.
Wireless Commun., Vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 3625-3629, Dec. 2010.
K. Hakim, S. K. Jayaweera, G. El-Howayek and C. Mosquera,
"Efficient dynamic spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks:
Centralized Dynamic Spectrum Leasing (C-DSL)", IEEE Trans.
Wireless Commun., vol.9, no.9, pp.2956-2967, Sep. 2010.
S. K. Jayaweera, G. Vazquez-Vilar, C. Mosquera "Dynamic
Spectrum Leasing (DSL): A new paradigm for spectrum sharing in
cognitive radio networks", IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol.59, no.5, pp.2328-2339, June 2010.
Y. Tawk, and C. G. Christodoulou,
"A New Reconfigurable Antenna Design for Cognitive Radio,"
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letter, vol.8, pp.1378 - 1381, Dec. 2009.
S. K. Jayaweera and T. Li, "Dynamic spectrum leasing in cognitive radio networks
via primary-secondary user power control games", IEEE Trans.
Wireless Communications, Vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 3300-3310, June
M. A. Aref, S. Machuzak, S. K. Jayaweera and S. Lane, "Replicated Q-learning based sub-band selection for wideband spectrum sensing in cognitive radios",
IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Chengdu China, July. 2016.
S. Machuzak and S. K. Jayaweera, "Reinforcement learning based anti-jamming with wideband autonomous cognitive radios",
IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), Chengdu China, July. 2016.
P. Das and S. K. Jayaweera, "Robust wideband spectrum sensing with compressive sampling in cognitive radios",
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), Boston, MA, Sep. 2015.
M. Bkassiny and S. K. Jayaweera, "Low-complexity sequential non-parametric signal classification for wideband cognitive radios",
The 8th International conference on telecommunication system, services, and application (TSSA'14), Kuta Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 2014.
Y. Li, S. K. Jayaweera, C. Ghosh and M. Bkassiny, "Learning-aided Sensing Scheduling for Wide-band Cognitive Radios",
Worskshop on Wideband Cognitive Radio Communications and Networks (WCRCN) at IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall ‘13),
Las Vegas, NV, Sep., 2013.
Y. Li, S. K. Jayaweera and C. G. Christodoulou, "Wideband PHY/MAC bandwidth aggregation optimization for cognitive radios",
Third International Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing,
Parador de Baiona, Spain, May, 2012.
C. G. Christodoulou, Y. Tawk, and S. K. Jayaweera, "Cognitive radio, reconfigurable antennas and Radiobots",
IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT '12),
Chiangmai, Tuscan, AZ, Mar. 2012.
M. Bkassiny, S. K. Jayaweera, Y, Li and K. A. Avery, "Blind cyclostationary feature detection based spectrum sensing for Autonomous self-learning cognitive radios",
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC '12),
Ottawa, Canada, June 2012.
Y. Tawk, S. K. Jayaweera, C. G. Christodoulou and J. Costantine, "A comparison between different cognitive radio antenna systems",
IEEE Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication systems (ISPACS '11),
Chiangmai, Thailand, Dec. 2011.
S. K. Jayaweera, Y. Li, M. Bkassiny, C. G. Christodoulou and K. A. Avery, "Radiobots: The autonomous, self-learning future cognitive radios",
IEEE Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication systems (ISPACS '11),
Chiangmai, Thailand, Dec. 2011.
M. Maruenda-Hernandez, F. Perez-Gonzalez and S. K. Jayaweera, "A subspace-based policy enforcement method in dynamic spectrum leasing scheme",
IEEE International Conference on Communication Technologies (ICCT '11),
Jinan, China, Sep, 2011.
S. Chen, C. Ghosh, A. M. Wyglinski and S. K. Jayaweera, "Impact of Group Cooperation over Competitive
Secondary Subnetworks" IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing,
Victoria, Canada, Aug. 2011.
Y. Tawk, J. Costantine, S. Hemmady, G. Balakrishnan and C. G. Christodoulou,
“A Cognitive Radio Antenna Design Based on Optically Pumped Reconfigurable Antenna System (OPRAS),
submitted to the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Spokane, Washington, Jul. 2011.
M. Al-Husseini, A. Ramadan, Y. Tawk, C. G. Christodoulou, A. El-Hajj, and K. Y. Kabalan,
"Design Based on Complementary Split-Ring Resonators of an Antenna with Controllable Band Notches for UWB Cognitive Radio Applications,"
submitted to the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Spokane, Washington, Jul. 2011.
M. Bkassiny, S. K. Jayaweera, Y. Li, and K. A. Avery “Optimal and Low-complexity Algorithms
for Dynamic Spectrum Access in Centralized Cognitive Radio Networks with Fading Channels,”
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-spring'2011), Budapest, Hungary, May 2011.
Y. Li, S. K. Jayaweera, M. Bkassiny, and K. A. Avery “Optimal Myopic Sensing and Dynamic
Spectrum Access with Low-Complexity Implementations,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
(VTC-spring'2011), Budapest, Hungary, May 2011.
M. Bkassiny, S. K. Jayaweera, and K. A. Avery “Distributed Reinforcement Learning Based
MAC Protocols for Autonomous Cognitive Secondary Users,” Wireless and Optical Communications Conference
(WOCC '11), Newark, NJ, Apr. 2011.
M. E. Zamudio, Y. Tawk, J. Costantine, J.–H. Kim, and C. G. Christodoulou, "Integrated Cognitive Radio Antenna Using Reconfigurable
Band Pass Filters," 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Eucap 2011), Rome, Italy, Apr. 2011.
S. K. Jayaweera and M. Bkassiny, “Learning to thrive in a leasing market: an auctioning framework
for distributed dynamic spectrum leasing (D-DSL),” IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking
Conference(WCNC'2011), Cancun, Mexico, Mar. 2011.
M. Al-Husseini, Y. Tawk, C. G. Christodoulou, K. Y. Kabalan, and A. El-Hajj,
“Design of an Antenna with Reconfigurable Band Rejection for UWB Cognitive Radio,”
The 29th Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2011),
Marrakesh, Morocco, Mar. 2011.
Y. Tawk, J. Costantine, and C. G. Christodoulou,
“A Rotatable Reconfigurable Antenna for Cognitive Radio Applications,”
IEEE Radio and Wireless Week (RWW), Phoenix, Arizona, Jan. 2011.
M. Al-Husseini, J. Costantine, C. G. Christodoulou, S. E. Barbin, A. El-Hajj, and Karim Y. Kabalan,
“A Reconfigurable Frequency-notched UWB Antenna with Split-ring Resonators,”
The 2010 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC2010), Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 2010.
G. El-Howayek and S. K. Jayaweera,
"Efficient spectrum sharing with autonomous primary users: Distributed dynamic
spectrum leasing (D-DSL)", IEEE Globecom 2010 Workshop on Broadband Wireless
Access (BWA 2010) , Miami, FL, Dec. 2010.
Y. Tawk, M. Husseini, A. R. Albrecht, G. Balakrishnan, S. Hemmady and C. G. Christodoulou,
“Implementation of a Cognitive Radio Front-End Using Optically Reconfigurable Antennas,”
International Conference on Electromagnetics for Advanced Applications (ICEAA 10), Sydney, Australia, Sep. 2010.
M. Al-Husseini, Y. Tawk, C. G. Christodoulou, A. El-Hajj, and K. Y. Kabalan,
“A Reconfigurable Cognitive Radio Antenna Design,”
The 2010 IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and the 2010
USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Toronto, Canada, Jul. 2010. (Invited Paper)
M. Al-Husseini, Y. Tawk, C. G. Christodoulou, A. El-Hajj, and K. Y. Kabalan,
“A Simple Dual-port Antenna System for Cognitive Radio Applications,”
The 2010 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS2010), Caen, France, Jul. 2010.
M. Bkassiny and S. K. Jayaweera, “Optimal channel and power
allocation for secondary users in cooperative cognitive radio
networks,” 2nd International Conference on Mobile
Lightweight Wireless Systems (MOBILIGHT'10), Barcelona, Spain,
May 2010. (Invited Paper)
K. Hakim and
S. K. Jayaweera and C. Mosquera, "Analysis of linear
receivers in a DSL game for spectrum sharing in cognitive radio
networks", International Communications Conference (ICC 2010), Cape Town, South Africa, May
G. El-Howayek, S. K. Jayaweera, K. Hakim, G. Vazquez-Vilar and C. Mosquera, "Dynamic Spectrum Leasing (DSL) in
dynamic channels", Workshop on Cognitive Radio Interfaces and
Signal Processing (CRISP) at the International Communications Conference (ICC 2010), Cape
Town, South Africa, May 2010.
S. K. Jayaweera, K. Hakim and C. Mosquera, "A game-theoretic framework for dynamic
spectrum Leasing (DSL) in Cognitive Radios", 5th IEEE Workshop
on Broadband Wireless Access co-located with
Globecom 2009, Honolulu, HI, Nov. 2009.
S. K.
Jayaweera and C. Mosquera, "A Dynamic Spectrum Leasing
(DSL) Framework for Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio
Networks", 43rd Annual Asilomar Conf. on Signals,
Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2009.
M. Martínez-Ramón, T. Atwood, S. Barbin, and C. G. Christodoulou,
“Signal classification with an SVM-FFT approach for feature extraction in cognitive radio,”
SBMO/IEEE MTT-S Conference, Belem, Brazil, Nov. 2009.
C. G. Christodoulou, “Reconfigurable Antennas in Cognitive Radio that can Think for Themselves?,“
Third IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC
Technologies (MAPE) for Wireless Communications, Beijing, China, Oct. 2009. (Keynote speaker)
T. D. Atwood, M. Martinez-Ramon, C. G. Christodoulou, “Robust Support Vector Machine Spectrum Estimation
in Cognitive Radio,” IEEE AP URSI Symposium, Charleston, South Carolina, June 2009.
T. Li and S.
K. Jayaweera, "A novel primary-secondary user power control
game for cognitive radios", International Symposium on
Information Theory and its Applications (ISITA 2008),
Auckland, New Zealand, Dec. 2008.
T. Li and S. K. Jayaweera,
"A novel primary-secondary user power control game for cognitive
radios with linear receivers", IEEE Military Communications
Conference (MILCOM 2008), San Diego, CA, Nov. 2008.
T. Li and S. K. Jayaweera,
"Analysis of linear receivers in a target SINR game for wireless
cognitive networks", 4th International Conf. on
Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing
(WICOM 2008), Dalian, China, Oct. 2008.
